Get Code Reviews
Completed Faster

Boost productivity, reduce merge conflicts, and
eliminate delays with our gamified code review platform
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Idle Code Reviews Cause Everyone Pain

Developer's nagging reviewers to move stories along causes friction while the lagging pull requests stop the flow of work.
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Ignored Code Reviews

Since reviewers are also developers we naturally prioritize our own work first rather than others pull requests.

Work Interruption

Developers move on to the next feature while waiting for review forcing them to interrupt their new work to look at old work.

Team Friction

As time drags on developers are forced to nag the reviewer which causes unnecessary team friction.

Monthly Leaderboard Challenges

Each month your team can compete to rank on the top of the leaderboard by working toward completing code reviews.  Watch you team improve each month as you bring the time in each month.
Monthly leaderboards
Rank against your fellow teammates
See your improvements each month

Personal Progress Reports

Review your own personal progress toward bringing pull requests review times down with your own personalized dashboard.
See your ranking over time
See which pull requests are outstanding
Look back to see which pull requests needed improvement

Metrics for Dev Teams

Our simple metrics dashboard allows you to explore and the dig into your teams metrics such as cycle time, coding time and review time.
Filter metrics based on your needs quickly
Cycle time, coding time and review time metrics
Drill down to see which PRs are struggling

Accelerate Your Team's Pull Request Completion

Sign up today and start competing on the leaderboard to improve your team's pull request completion speed
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